Course Syllabus

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Strategic Communication B

Fall 2017

3 Credits

Major Disciplines: Communication, Business, Public Relations

Faculty Member: Bettina Berg, 

Program Director: Iben de Neergaard, Vestergade 10 A23,

Assistant Program Director: Nya Oxfeldt Jensen, Vestergade 10 A23,

Program Assistant: Holly Querin, Vestergade 10 A23, 


Mondays and Thursdays, 16.25-17.45, V10-A22


Course Description

You cannot not communicate. What you can do is ensure that your communication contributes to meeting your goals, resonates with the audience, and fits the specific context. In present day society, consumers are met with thousands of messages on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the advent of social media means a significant shift in the role of government institutions, organizations, and corporations. Authenticity, trust, and purpose have never been more important.

In this course, we explore strategic communication in an increasingly complex world. Through theoretical perspectives, case studies, and a hands-on project we will develop a deeper understanding of the strategic framework that underlies efficient and meaningful communications. The course includes two study tours, which will allow you to engage in various topics related to organizational, strategic, and personal communication and to meet professionals in the field.

Learning Objectives

After the course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate general knowledge of communication theory and application.
  • Identify key concepts and central discussions within the professional and academic fields of modern-day communication.
  • Practice critical thinking in order to evaluate communication strategies.
  • Develop a strategic framework for effective communication campaigns.

Core Course Instructor

Bettina Berg

M.A. (Media Science and History, University of Southern Denmark, 2012), M.A. (Executive Corporate Communication, University of Aarhus, 2011), B.A. (Journalism, University of Southern Denmark, 2002).
External lecture, Copenhagen Business School, 2014- , Head of external communication, Region of Sealand, 2011-13, Head of Press, Danish Agriculture and Food Council, 2006-2010, Press Consultant at The Danish Parliament, 2004-2006, Journalist at, Bruxelles, 2002-2003. With DIS since August 2017.


Content and Structure

The course is organised around three modules:

  1. FOUNDATIONS (classes 1-7) in which we will familiarize ourselves with the academic field of strategic communications, including key concepts, discussions, theory, and methodology.
  2. APPLICATIONS (classes 8-13) in which we will take a closer look at the different disciplines that make up the professional field of strategic communication and delve deeper into a few interesting case studies.
  3. PERSPECTIVES (classes 14-17) in which we will discuss philosophical, operational, and ethical implications of strategic communication in today’s multi-mediated world.

Throughout the semester, short lectures are combined with student presentations, group work, field and case studies, and in-class activities.

Group Work

Participation in group work is mandatory, and your ability to work in a group setting will influence the engagement grade. All students will be placed in two types of groups:

  • Study groups (2-3 students in each) who will prepare a case presentation and post-study tour “lessons learned”.
  • Project groups (4-5 students in each) who work on the final semester project and report.

Grading Elements

Specific assignments and grade rubrics for all grading elements can be found on Canvas.

Class Engagement (20 %) – Attendance, level of preparation and involvement in class activities, and active participation in field studies and on study tours.

Case Presentation (20%) – Each study group is required to present a communications case that illustrates some of the concepts we discuss in class. The presentation should be analytical rather than descriptive, and you should be able to relate the case to at least two academic sources.

Individual Assignment (20 %) – In a 5-page essay, you will be asked to describe and reflect on key concepts discussed in class. The assignment should demonstrate theoretical insights and critical thought.

Semester Project – Final Report (40 %) ­– During the semester, you will work with your project group to create your own strategic communications campaign targeting a real-world challenge. In the final report, you must reflect on your strategic choices and put forth solid academic arguments, including thoughts on target groups, and connect them to theoretical concepts discussed in class.

Mandatory Activities (not graded)

  • Target group interviews – including the preparation of an interview guide (in project groups)
  • “Lessons Learned” – short in-class reflection on a study tour visit (in study groups)
  • DRAFT Report on Semester Project – to be handed in for feedback and coaching (in project groups)
  • Presentation of Semester Project – competition and final showcase (in project groups)

Study Tours

Being a core course, Strategic Communication includes two study tours: A short study tour to Odense and Aarhus (part of Core Course Week) and a long study tour to London.

On the study tours, we take the classroom on the road and meet practitioners working in the field of strategic communications. You will be expected to actively participate in all scheduled activities, engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute to achieving the learning objectives.

You will travel with your classmates, DIS faculty and staff. While on a program study tour, DIS will provide hostel/hotel accommodation, transportation to/from the destination(s), and approx. two meals per day as well as entrance fees, guides, and visits relevant to your area of study or the destination.

You will receive a detailed itinerary prior to departure. See Course Plan for travel dates.

Required Readings

  • Aronczyk, Melissa: Living the Brand: The Identity Strategies of Nation-Branding Consultants, in: Branding the Nation. The Global Business of National Identity (2013)
  • Bowen, Shannon: 'We are professional manipulators' – PR pros, are we lying to ourselves? PR Week, August 12, 2015
  • Brinkmann, Svend & Kvale, Steinar: Conducting an Interview, in: Interviews. Learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing (2015)
  • Cornelissen, Joep: Stakeholder Management and Communication and Issues Management in: Corporate Communication. A Guide to Theory & Practice (2017)
  • Doorley, John & Garcia, Helio Fred: Crisis Communication, in: Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication (2011)
  • Enli, Gunn: The Paradox of Mediated Authenticity, in: Mediated Authenticity. How the Media Constructs Reality (2015)
  • Holtzhausen, Derina & Zerfass, Ansgar: Strategic Communication. Opportunities and Challenges of the Research Area, in: Holtzhausen & Zerfass (ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication, (2015)
  • Keyton, Joann: Introduction to Qualitative Research, in: Communication Research. Asking Questions, Finding Answers (2011)
  • Lakoff, George: Framing 101: How to Take Back Public Discourse, in: Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate (2004)
  • Murphy, Priscilla: Contextual Distortion. Strategic Communication versus the Networked Nature of Nearly Everything in: in: Holtzhausen & Zerfass (ed.): The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication, (2015)
  • Neill, Marlene: Counterpoint: PR Practitioners Can Not Afford To Lose Credibility. PR Say, August 19, 2015
  • Phillips, Robert: The Death Of PR. The Only Agency We Need Is Change, in: Trust Me, PR is Dead (2015)
  • Rose, Chris: Communicating with Humans, in: How to Win Campaigns: Communications for Change (2010 [2005])
  • Schultz, Majken: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective on Corporate Branding, in: Schultz et al. (ed): Corporate Branding. Purpose/People/Process (2005)
  • Tapscott, Don: Four Principles for the Open World, TEDGlobal (2012)

All readings will be posted on Canvas.

You are expected to follow the news and stay updated on current events to the extent that you will be able to discuss these from a communications’ perspective.


Attendance – You are expected to attend all parts of the course, including study tours and field trips. If you have an emergency that will prevent you from attending class, please contact the instructor. According to DIS policy, two consecutive unexcused absences will result in a report to the Academic Registrar. Three or more absences will have a negative effect for your academic standing at DIS; the students’ home university will be notified.

Late Papers – Late papers will be deducted a third of a grade point per day. All work must be handed in/completed in order to get a passing grade – this includes the ungraded activities.

Academic Integrity
DIS expects that students abide by the highest standards of intellectual honesty in all academic work. DIS assumes that all students do their own work and credit all work or thought taken from others. Academic dishonesty will result in a final course grade of “F” and can result in dismissal. The students’ home universities will be notified. DIS reserves the right to request that written student assignments be turned in electronic form for submission to plagiarism detection software.

Academic Excellence Award

Each semester, we recognize one outstanding student from each program with an Award of Academic Excellence. It is reserved for a student who has distinguished him or herself through diligence, commitment, academic performance, and ideally a student who contributes to a good, collaborative learning environment in class.

Disability and Resource Statement

Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Academic Support ( to coordinate this.  In order to receive accommodations, students should inform the instructor of approved DIS accommodations within the first two weeks of classes.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due